Thursday, 27 September 2012



The image below depicts an abandoned factory warehouse. The element of main focus, is the collapsed roof. In particular, it highlights the mere existence of the remaining structural elements such as the beams, and a few rafters. However, The roof’s skin has fallen through, given in and collapsed.

The image demonstrates the remnants of a sagging staircase. Even though the mains structure is still mostly intact, the stairs have moss, and vines growing on the treads from lack of use. Furthermore, the paint is peeling, and the staircase is surrounded by rubble from falling overhead elements of the structure.

This Ghost town is relevant to my scene, as it is an abandoned place within a barren desert. Mostly all of the town’s structures and covered in a thick layer of orange dust, tinting and staining white walls. The tin rooves harbour red rust, with some being corroded all the way through to leave gaping holes. There is an eerie stillness about the town.

This abandoned greenhouse demonstrates what happens to glass with years of neglect. The glass panes are stained with dripping watermarks, making the material severely clouded. Due to the developing moisture, moss has developed on the glass. This was relevant to my Barcelona pavilion model, as the structure is largely consisted of glass material.

- completed joined object tutorial 
 I was very pleased with the outcomes of this technique. I feel it would be appropriate to use in the large tavertine walls of my structure. I also intend to use this technique to demonstrate the roof collapse.
- completed breakable object tutorial


Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Below are some below and after image comparisons of my applied materials with bump & spec maps.



Texturing of Barcelona Pavilion

This 3Ds Max model has been textured, so that it appears to be newly completed.

Glass is made from sand, waste glass particles and calcium carbonate. These raw materials are melted at extremely high temperatures, producing a molten ‘gob’ state. This allows the glass to be moulded into a desired form, and is left to cool- resulting in the formation of glass. The durability of glass depends of several factors of stress which may affect the material- such as temperature, size of the glass, load rate, surface finishes etc. Although, enduring evidence of the material’s integrity can be witnessed through existing architecture, which can date back centuries. Glass is quite resistant towards most elements, although it sustains chemical corrosion from hydrofluoric acid and concentrated phosphoric- which can wear away and dissolve surfaces. Glass is mostly used of building fixings such as windows, however, can also be used for main structural elements. Glass as a material is beneficial and low impact of the environment, as it can be recycled several times, reducing the use of energy in an efficient manner.
Structural advantages
Structural disadvantages  
·         Aesthetically pleasing ( bringing in of natural light etc)
·         fulfil functional requirement of lighting, heat retention and energy saving.
·         Glass is an excellent material for thermal insulation, water proofing and energy conservation.
·         Glass is bad conductor of heat; it saves energy in air conditioning of building.
·         Costly material- increase the budgeted cost of construction work.
·         Glass is also unsafe for earthquake proven area.
·         Delicate and prone to breakage
·         Not as strong structurally
Onyx is a naturally occurring stone typically consisting of a banded variety of chalcedony. It is typically founds in caves. Historically, the material has been used for carving of jewellery and ornamentation. As with most naturally occurring materials, a severe corrosion factor is the surrounding salinity within thee environment. This stone is quite durable, and can last hundreds and thousands of years, relative to their level of exposure. The material is low impact, as it is naturally occurring.
Structural advantages
structural disadvantages
·         Naturally occurring
·         High strength due to banded layers
·         Aesthetically pleasing features in variety
·         Prone to scratches and wear
·         May be difficult to access
Marble is another naturally occurring stone, originally starting as a limestone, then being compressed to crystallise the material to change the texture. The material is typically used in conjection with the variety of aesthetics produced (eg. Sculpture creation, architectural features etc). Sulphuric acid is a large corrosion agent of marble, furthermore- the material is largely susceptible to rust stains, and is more absorbent than most stone. The material itself is has low environmental impact, however, there are some issues associated with the ways in which the material is mined.
Structural advantages
Structural disadvantages
·         Strength increases with age
·         Resistant to weather conditions
·         Easy to cut into desired shapes
·         Severely weakened to acid rain
·         Lacks durability

Sunday, 16 September 2012


Below is an image os a section of the Barcelona Pavilion. I have applied textures through 3ds max, following the tutorial. Here is the result.



Here are the following materials I chose to apply.
medieval brick

 copper sheeting
wood planks



In 100 years, the roof would have collapsed into the building. Vandalism has ensured a thick layering of graffiti and broken  glass windows. There would be vines sprawling across the central marble wall, along with an enveloping blanket of moss. The outside garden pool would turn into a pebbled landscape of moss covered, insect infested decay.


The main supporting slab would give way, ensuring the collapse of the upper floors. Vines and moss would gracefully creep along the seemingly flat walls, at times engulfing the remnants of the broken glass windows. The large collapse of the entire structure would interfere with the electrical and gas services- thus having a  fire tear through the lower floors in its last minutes.



The design core, being the mechanical transporting element of the building, would undoubtedly fail. The a rust infestation would eat away at large sections of the building, leaving gaping holes. The cantilevered elements would fall, leaving the building to look like a contorted pile of metal.

 NOTE:I am aware that I did not texture my other houses, therefore their material failed to appear in cryengine.

Saturday, 8 September 2012



The combination of letters and numbers I am using is E7. I plan to incorporate these into my landscape through both a macro, and micro scale. I have arrived at a strategy of implementing this through a considered approach, revealing the combination through each scene on both scales. The main terrain of the island will conceal E7, visible from a bird’s eye view. In regards to revealing the combination on a micro scale, I will employ the use of shadows at specific times to cast desired forms. Furthermore, I plan on arranging objects in quantities of seven to produce an E form. I have also considered the use of light projection, the deliberate placement of vegetation to create desired forms, and natural features such as tornados which will aid in revealing the combination. It is intended that, whilst exploring the island, elements will subtly reveal the letter and number, suggesting the combination in a sophisticated manner.
In regards to my trailer, the concept of ‘ALONE?’ will stimulate an exploration of the island, revealing the combination in a provocative manner.




Below are images of my completed desert landscape. I have distinctive areas within the island, all of which cohesively unify to create my scene.  



The trailer of Eagle Eye depicts the questionable nature of being alone on a desert island. There are Others, and they are trying to tell you something.



PS: The link first link below was the original file upload. After revisiting the final submission, I re-uploaded the file, complete with all items for a play test. Please use the SECOND link to access it.


Monday, 3 September 2012


I am currently developing a river canyon for the desert area. These landforms are common in North American deserts. I have deliberately carved out the land to create an E formation, when viewed aerially. I crated this section using terrain modification and water volumes. I have incorporated waterfalls, however- as with all aspects of the area, it will need editing and revising.


An oasis is a fertile spot in the desert where water is found. I have specifically designed this oasis  to manipulate the land, in revealing an e form aerially. I have incorporated the deliberate placement of vegetation to create a 7 form. I plan to further develop the scene by adding more appropriate vegetation and textures.


This rock formation reveals the letter in a very conspicuous manner. I plan to refine the formation my modifying the terrain, aiming to soften it, and apply appropriate textures to make to scene more realistic.

I created this cave with the use of voxel editing and painting. I am trying to find out how to texture the rocks in a manner which will be more suited to the desert terrain.
This is a segment of a plateau area within the desert. The plateau is vast and is surrounded by mountains on either side. I plan to develop this area with more textures.



I have chosen the concept of ‘ALONE?’ to run through my trailer. I want to convey the notion of an undetectable presence, trying to reveal a concealed message (of E7). I have chosen to use the music, “Mindheist by Zack Hemsey”, music that was also used in the trailer for “Inception”(2010). I plan to use Sony Vegas to create my trailer.